Saturday, June 29, 2024

Valley of Whoa


Defaced ticketing machine 
Exact chance only
No chance given
Message ribbon writes train delayed
As the train arrives on time
A rager broke out in the Quiet Car
That's kind of where we are
Boys, not black, no ticket, no app
It's nigga this nigga that
Franchise territories available


You may qualify for more spending power
Hip to ankle tattoo says
Call/text/live chat
When you link
You can unlock

The iron struck when hot app 
Every minute a new golden age
Is waiting in your cart
Name brands at unbeatable prices
Cash back

And I will tell you 
I gotta tell you
Say goodbye to stubborn burned on anything
Just link and unlock 
You belong here

Copyright 2024 Randy Stark

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Spiritual Stirrings

Silly they say the best way
To be slapped, happily
I yield my balance
To the Chair.

The sign I’m looking up at 
I’ma do like it say
I’ma report myself as
Storm drain pollution.

For once, I’ma do what I ‘pose to.
And so they I mean like
I hope they gonna slap me silly.
I know, right?

So yeah whatever but no
It all none of it makes any sense.

Copyright 2024 Randy Stark


Monday, June 24, 2024

He Begged the Bot for an Earlier Appointment

The late husband-to-be
Tried to apply 
For a customizable experience.
Without a credit score.
Doesn’t eat red meat.
Never really cared for pork.
Or pork products.

Bot told him, it said
Our customer care team
Will get back to you in 72 hours.
He died that night 
Reformed Baptist and a vegan.
Bap Bap Bap 
Is this thing even on?

Copyright 2024 Randy Stark


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Dog Story

Autumn’s doodle, a red one,
Named Whiskey,
Getting a groom at the pet salon.

I asked if it was a rescue. 
She got offended.
Did you really just call her “it”?

Hey I said
A leash is a two-way street.
I remember the day Tubby went missing,

Which was exactly forty days after 
The Orthodox church commemorated
Jesus Christ rising from the dead,

Jesus Christ hisownself however 
Not being a partier per se,
Actually, he was fiercely private, and to be honest

Not a good fit for the position of Savior.
That being said, management certainly failed to  
Provide the training and tools he needed to succeed. 

Copyright 2024 Randy Stark



Friday, June 21, 2024

Your Stars Are Expiring Soon

OK, that now
I don’t know
I have no idea
Is that even possible

It might kind of be
Technically no 
But yes
Being the fact that 

You can’t like
Oh I guess
But here’s the thing

I was gonna say
I just feel like dang
And I’m pretty sure like
I imagine there comes a point

Oh yes no
It’s actually better
Or maybe like I said
Part of me thinks OK

I also think like
Hey listen
It seems to me
Of course I don’t know.

Just to kind of like
Which is nice like
No but the thing is like
That’s what I’m saying like

Between the lines there’s no ink
Some sign in
Some choose to
Continue as guest

I half thought about 
Just driving up there
We’re all in this together
In the time we have left

Thing is is even that too
It’s so long of a drive
When seen through the wrong way mirror
I feel like too though

Tragic heroes are sort of non-grata
The good news is
Refer a friend is back
So um I um I kind of told myself I said

Reach, twist, squat, breathe
Wait wait wait
Where’s my phone

Copyright 2024 Randy Stark

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Speaking of Unwinding

I looked at her and I said
Pudding from scratch?

She’s like
Do you admit you are a sinner?

Now hiring.
E-sign here.

Have a safe trip I say, exiting
Through what’s not even a door.

Copyright 2024 Randy Stark

(c) 2024 Randy Stark

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

empire builder


The one guy
He texted me
He wants me
Of all people 
To design organic 
Soundstage solutions that
Transcend boundaries
And rebrand the
Onboarding experience
Make it green, convenient, easy
Launch Next Gen streetwear lines
Turn Next Gen heads
Ensure second strike capability
And I’m like
Yeah yeah for sure
So that’s next Thursday


I know you’re just asking
I’m just sayin
It’s the overcoming
That’s the whole thing
Paths matter
Meet, complete, submit and show 
Thanks to a couple of buff new 
Hyper quick 
Super unique 
High speed 
Ultra premium 
Fiber optic bars
I flashed on 
Luxe power 
Asset protection
Bundled content
Wealth management
Long term growth 


If fast reliable coverage is your destination
A beautiful and moving idea
Don’t venerate, platform
All aboard please
Stay engaged
Dream bigger
Kick it up to boogie level four
Use those handrails
When boarding the train
Flagship features like
Baked-in hallucinations
Birthed themselves in my brain
When waves are fierce and breaking hard
Not half bad is not success
Only means you’ve got an untied shoe
If you want to get the ray gun
They’re still expensive
But they hold their value 
Just don’t point the muzzle at something you don’t want to kill
Please watch your step
Safety is everyone’s concern
Stand clear, doors are closing
Who knows where this bitch gonna end up

(c) 2024 Randy Stark

Thursday, June 13, 2024

from this week


P is for Pay Lot 27.
A flat rate lot.
All patrons pay.
Disabled persons are required to pay.
Pay here.

Including holidays.

Exact change only.
No change given.
All patrons pay.
Enjoy your stay.

Copyright 2024 Randy Stark