Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Whole Twang

I’ll never forget the time
It was like fucking hot
As she sang with subscriber-only depth
Her make up exploded
Folks laughed
Well I laughed too
But that’s part of her art.

Honestly her whole thing is just
A very like heart-grabbing loyalty program
With hermeneutics and exegesis
For a more screen-balanced life 
She’s not mean but she’s not like super nice
She carries herself like a lower-case f
(Even famous people have trouble finding love.)

Actually it’s more just kind of a 
Progressive messaging symposium
New protocols, free testing
So you can accelerate your productivity
Imagine critical geopolitical windsurfing
While putting your own spin on the aesthetic
While earning points at the same time.

Experience it yourself
The whole twang
Stay eat drink do shop
Save on parts and labor
Save on prescription lenses
Remember you’re in charge
The sparkle in Earth’s mirrored slippers.

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