Friday, August 30, 2024

Reaching Out to Yvette

Hi Yvette, this is Melody with Fidelity Intake.
Is your face itchy? 
Are your lips burning?
Have you asked yourself
Why is my cart empty?
How come I can never have nice things?
Are you seeking the next great seafood and steak concept place?

Hi Yvette, this is Dayna with Rocky Crest Communications.
Let us build a new feed for you.
We can help your seamless connectivity
To access everything that makes you you.
No one wants their feed to turn into
What yours is turning into.
I mean who wants to work from home in Appalachia?
I can’t hear you. What?

Hi Yvette, this is Crown Prince Yi with Hybrid Angst.
Are you concerned about global threats to democracy and freedom?
Do you know someone who may be?
Were they Mexican like from Mexico?

Hi Yvette, this is Wazeem with Casa de Remedios
Calling to remind you
Keep your relationship status current
Download the one-armed farmer with a broken hoe app
Book your stay
And win a whole month of mood elevating 
Pretend time and sensory play
Explore popular games
With the aesthetics of AI
Take 25 percent off trending tests
When you discover the keys to Christ
Your sinning comes pre-absolved
Many become simply immune
Turn I cant’s into I cans
Learn to flatten the curve  
With deep tissue work arounds 
And post-punk patches
Stir deeply
Whisk well
Roast, toss and season
A generous pinch
We’re pumped
Inspired by world class distinction
We envision
Dazzling blends of gender fluidity
Above all else
We can
And we do
So stop by
Post up
Hop aboard
Have the best day ever
And up to fifty percent more!

Copyright 2024 Randy Stark


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